New Public Funding for Pneumonia vaccine in Alberta
Alberta will start funding the conjugated pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar-20) for certain populations starting July 1, 2024
Linda Nghiem | Pharmacist
6/20/20243 min read

Who is the Pneumonia vaccine for?
If you have ever talked to me in the pharmacy about which vaccines that you might need, I would have likely told you about the Pneumonia vaccine. Why, you may ask?
Many of us are carriers of the bacteria S. Pneumoniae, meaning we have this bacteria living in our noses normally. When we become ill from another infection, for example flu or COVID, our defenses are weakened and we can get a secondary infection: pneumonia. Invasive pneumococcal disease can be extremely serious and often require hospitalization, especially since the person is battling the first infection along with the pneumonia. If we can prevent pneumonia, we could prevent severe illness, hospitalization or possibly death. I am on board with that!
What are the two types of pneumococcal vaccines?
There are two types of pneumococcal vaccines:
(1) polysaccharide (Pneumo-P) : Pneumovax-23
(2) conjugate (Pneumo-C) : Prevnar-20 (and Vaxneuvance-15, not available here)
Conjugate vaccines provide longer lasting protection, as compared to polysaccharide vaccines. The number behind the name represents the number of strains of bacteria that it protects against. To put it into perspective, there are about 30 strains of pneumonia-causing bacteria in humans. I have been told by an infectious disease specialist that the polysaccharide vaccine lasts about 3-5 years, where as the conjugate vaccine lasts 10+ years.
For years, Pneumovax-23 was publicly funded for those above 65 years old or those younger who are at higher risk of pneumonia. Even if the conjugate vaccine had longer term protection, it was not covered by our health care and would be paid out of pocket. Prevnar-20 costs about $138 now.
The National Advisory Committee for Immunizations (NACI) published recommendations early last year that the conjugated vaccine vaccine is the recommended vaccine. It protects better and longer. We have been eagerly awaiting for public funding to better protect people against pneumonia, and finally our wait is up! July 1st, 2024 will be the first day that we can administer publicly funded pneumococcal conjugated vaccine.
Who can get the new vaccine?
-People over 65 years old who have not received pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax-23 or Prevnar-20).
-Populations with sustained high rates of invasive pneumococcal disease:
• Residents of continuing care homes and senior supportive living accommodations
• First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples, regardless of where they live
-People with medical conditions or immunocompromised: (summarized and not inclusive)
• chronic liver or renal disease
• diabetes
• heart disease
• chronic lung disease (ex. asthma, COPD)
• cancer
• using immunosuppressive therapy (ex. long term corticosteroids, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, biologics and non-biologic immunosuppressive therapies)
• post-solid organ or stem cell transplant (Consult with AHS Public Health)
-Individuals who:
• Have an alcohol use disorder
• Use illicit drugs
• Smoke or vape
• Have poor indoor air quality in the home (including, but not limited to, secondhand smoke, wood fired stoves)
• Are experiencing houselessness
Unfortunately, if you have received the older pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax-23) and do not fall in one of the eligibility categories above, health care will not cover the conjugated vaccine for you.
The list of people who are eligible for the conjugated pneumococcal vaccine is expansive and opens up immunization to many people. Those who are under 18 years of age need to receive their vaccinations at the public health centre, follow this link for locations: Otherwise, you can receive this vaccine at the community pharmacy. The Alberta Health Booking site can be found here:
You can book with our pharmacy on the booking site or by giving us a call at the pharmacy 780-406-0808. We do accept walk-ins as long as the consultation room is available. If you have any questions about whether you are eligible for this vaccine or other vaccinations, contact us at the pharmacy and we would be glad to help you out.
Reference: Pneumococcal Vaccine, 20-valent Conjugate: Prevnar 20TM Alberta Immunization Policy | Biological Products ©2024 Government of Alberta | Published: June 2024 |
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