Discover your unique response to medications!


Pharmacogenomics is the study of how your genes affects your response to medications. With a simple cheek swab, you can unlock your genetic code to determine your unique responses to medications. It is personalized medicine. With the results, your health care provider can tailor your drug therapy to anticipate the response your body will have to the medication.

We provide pharmacogenomic testing through GeneYouIn, an innovative Canadian company. Pillcheck is a genomic guided medication management service that helps clients find the right medication therapy.

A cross with a DNA strand in it with the words pillcheck on the sideA cross with a DNA strand in it with the words pillcheck on the side
What Medications are Checked?

After completing Pillcheck’s DNA test, you get a personalized, interactive report showing your predicted drug response to most commonly prescribed medications. The Pillcheck service includes a one-time review of your medications by a clinical pharmacist specially trained in pharmacogenetics – the science that Pillcheck is based on. The pharmacist provides personalized recommendations summarized in a letter to share and discuss with your doctor.

The Pillcheck test has enhanced sensitivity for accurate results in ethnically diverse populations. Your report is updated for free every year as new evidence for existing medications and information on new ones becomes available.

Does my insurance pay for this?

Many insurance companies have started to pay for pharmacogenomics testing. Inquire with your provider to determine whether you can receive coverage.

Who Should get tested?

With Pillcheck, you don’t have to worry about choosing a treatment area. We cover a broad range of medications in every test, making it useful now — and in the future. These are just some of the common health concerns Pillcheck helps with:

  • Mental health conditions: depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, ADHD, addiction and susbstance use

  • Pain management

  • Heart health

  • Digestive health: IBS, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, GERD

How Can I get tested?
  1. Book an appointment with Palisades Pharmacy to receive a test kit OR order it online (code: PalisadesRX).

  2. Collect a sample by swabbing your cheek.

  3. Send the sample back in the prepaid envelope.

  4. Fill out the medical profile online.

  5. Results will return in 1-2 weeks. Meet with us to discuss your results.

  6. Share your results with your doctor.

Pills over a question mark leading to an arrow showing a pillcheck report with caution and checkmark
Pills over a question mark leading to an arrow showing a pillcheck report with caution and checkmark